Mini Crossbows

We started this evening with an activity to encourage the Sixes to work together as a team, which has been a feature of this term. After an unconvincing start, Green Six (again) proved the most effective in completing the challenge. While they sometimes struggle with some of the more creative activities, Green Six have consistently done well in activities requiring team work.

We then moved on to building mini crossbows out of lollipop sticks, bottle tops and an elastic, which proved pretty tricky.About half the pack made something that worked, but three stand out crossbows emerged in the shoot-off, so well done to Jack, Emogene and Barnie, with Barnie’s winning overall. Here are the instructions for anyone that would like to have another go at home (we steered away from matchsticks, and cotton buds with one end cut off may be better than cocktail sticks…)

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